KIDS, PEOPLE, CATS: An important announcement from Fiat Lex.
You've noticed, no doubt, that Season 2 just...never arrived? And sadly, it never will. Steve and Kory have decided, for a couple of reasons, to retire Fiat Lex for the foreseeable future.
REASON 1. Steve has a different non-dictionary job, and Kory has a different dictionary-but-can't-talk-about job, which makes a podcast about dictionaries hard to do.
REASON 2. Steve moved! It was hard enough for us to find time to record before, but now c'est IMPOSSIBLE.
REASON 3. Doing a good podcast--one that people will want to listen to--is a full-time job. Intrepid Engineer Josh donated his time, but in the end, we couldn't make him give up paying work for our fart-around funtimes, even if half of us are married to him.
Will we ever come back? Who knows! Maybe? Maybe in a different format? Maybe when Kory wins the lottery and can actually hire IEJ? Or maybe not! LIFE.
We had a great time with all y'all. Buy our books! Maybe we'll see you on another podcast down the road. --S&K